

Competing and Winning in the eSports Field

June 14, 2016 — by David Radd and Sasha Paleeva


Casual Connect USA is about matching the creativity of the games industry with new media innovation and investment. There will be many talented speakers at Casual Connect USA 2016, and today we are giving you a glimpse of some the esports track speakers. Now that streaming has come of age, esports is a more important sector than ever. Experts will talk about what gaming audiences demand and how publishers, developers and platforms should react.

The speakers come from established developers, investors, and streaming focused companies and all have huge passion for esports.

Europe 2016Video Coverage

Steejo: YouTube as a Game Business | Casual Connect Video

April 20, 2016 — by Catherine Quinton

'I’m amazed by the sheer number of awesome people I interact with on a day-to-day basis.' - SteejoClick To Tweet

Ever since the rise of PewDiePie, streaming and Let’s Play videos have played an increasingly important role in the way games are promoted and experienced, and are now in many ways more important than traditional exposure. Listen and learn from a panel at Casual Connect Europe that was made up of streamers on YouTube. They talked about the role of streamers in the relationship between indie developers, streamers and their respective audiences from the perspective of both developers and streamers. One of the panelists, Steejo (Justin Slater), observed: “Just as Let’s Play replaced traditional media, streamers are replacing Let’s Play.” Steejo has also witnessed, “Sales lift(ing) during live streams.” Tune in below for more insights from Steejo and other YouTubers.
